Saturday, November 19, 2016

Get hype.

The game is something I always wanted to do. It is Sim Brothel inspired.

It is code intensive but not difficult. So in a sense its like training for me.

Demo is ready on two weeks tops.

Then you'll be the judge of it.


Thursday, November 10, 2016


Hey guys I'm still alive and working on bringing you whatever my mind comes up with.

Just so you all know I've being working tirelessly. That means although I don't post as frequent I do work everyday on my projects. Right now I'm doing two projects, why? Sometimes I get blocked in one and start working on the other. That works for me anyways.

I'll post more frequent now. Next is an outline of the art of my second project. The full colored CGs only for my patreons. Demo is not far away, I think your gonna like this game guys.
